Category: Blog.

  • The Secret.

    It’s really an incredible movie. I know that the common point about it is that it’s focused on making more money and stuff, with their presentation of the Law of Attraction, and that is true, but . . . also, it’s a little more than that, in the examples-wise (like a guy who was being…

  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a great movie. It casts the usually meek Michael Cera as a guy whom it seems a put-on for, to some degree, and has him wandering through a surreal Canadian wonderland of quick cuts and sort of graphics, going by on the screen.

  • I forgot how much I liked movies and television, but particularly really artsy stuff. I was just watching a trailer for Synecdoche, New York and realizing how the whole movie, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s character is pulled as if by an undertow through literally the entire movie. By the end, he is being led around his…

  • I think people don’t look at Damien Echols with enough clarity. He used magick to get him out of death row. What an incredible Houdini trick.

  • I have watched The Secret a couple times in the last few days, and it is a pretty great motivational movie. The concept has been proven valid in my life again and again, and I look back and I was practicing this stuff well before and just sort of apart from having watched the movie.…