The Overwhelming Evil.

The other day, my mom called me down to watch Jordan Peterson, whom she recognized as somebody that I liked (which is close enough for me not to correct her, although of course I’m well past the Jordan Peterson phase of awakening), on Bill Maher. I knew that it would probably be horrible, more so because it was him on a panel rather than being interviewed in the first segment. That boded for the discussion to be (A) he only as a third of it, or so, (B) especially focused on the mindless, super-propagandeered current events, rather than greater topics, and (C), thus, less of what I wanted from either respect.

In any case, of course, they ended up talking about the murder of babies as if it’s anything other than a horrific abomination, and my mom was over on the couch, saying, “If you don’t want an abortion, then don’t have one.” To which I said, “The babies don’t get to have a say.” Because, of course, some of us can still look at a brutal murder of an infant and identify that the mother might not be the victim for the unlikely possibility of someone stepping in and telling her not to do it.

She didn’t respond, to that, but I sort of carried it with me, that she would invite me down to watch a couple of monsters talk to another one (probably) who said more things that I liked to hear than the others did. And she knew that I actually cared about the babies, although she has been so pulverized by the propaganda that I don’t even know what she’s really cognizant of. She is the classic brainwashed monster: Yale graduate degree, generally a smart person, and so totally uncaring about or blocked from the moral reality of anything that she is just basically a switch on the wall for them to turn, whenever they want to.






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