Extra Leeway.

Stefan Molyneux had a good thing in a recent episode about how, when people said to him, or someone apparently did, write it in the Comments, that women physically abuse children more than men do, it’s because they spend more time with them, we don’t give that leeway to men, for example if they were to have beaten their wives during the fake pandemic. And leeway we give to women for more than that.

It’s actually enshrined into the governmental system of America, now, where women can go and have their innocent children murdered, and torn apart, in their womb, and then they nor the people doing the actual murder of a human being, in America, get any kind of consequences for it. I think the leeway given would be given under the auspiCes, “They didn’t want the burden of dealing with another person that they’d have to care for.”

Of course, if anyone else (aside from the “doctors” [do no harm, right?] and the mothers, and of course, the former are more at fault, because they actually did the killing) did that sort of thing to anyone else whom they considered a burden, they would be charged for murder, and sent to jail for years. Hell, I was sent to jail and had my life ruined for sending emails.






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