Names That Bear Resemblance to Someone’s Behaviors/Actions (People Who Are in Society Prominently): Updating List

Here is an updating, let’s see, list of names of people who have done things or been known for things that are eerily, and I would say either synchromystically or intentionally, similar to what their names mean, or Represent.

Donald Trump: (1) Trump card is the card that defeats all others despite not fitting in or necessarily working with other cards to otherwise normally win, in a card game. Donald Trump came out in the 2016 presidential election, as well as in his career, and made waves as a maverick to defeat the competition seemingly not only without support from others in the “system,” but also actually in opposition, to them. (2) Trump card associated with money, and gambling, which of course Donald Trump, as a casino owner and a real estate developer and general rich guy, is known for.

Mike Pence: (1) Trump’s running-mate in the 2016 presidential election of the United States of America. Pence is a word that basically means change, the smaller parts of each given dollar bill, and running with the big money guy, Donald Trump himself, he was just the change on the side. Still part of the same money theme, but otherwise smaller, much smaller.

Angel Colon: (1) Supposedly shot, but not Killed, in the Pulse Nightclub event, in Florida, in 2016. His first name signifies existence after death (at least in common terms, although many Christians say that angels are not what people become after death, or can become, but are separate entities, so) or just generally someone related to the afterlife or the heavenly realms one might see after leaving this world, which is directly related to him having been involved in a situation where people were supposedly killed all around him. (2) Angel is also a term for perfection, for blamelessness, for whiteness and wash of Sins. He was presented to the public as, indeed, a perfect little angel; not that he wouldn’t be, but he was essentially presented as a lamb who escaped the slaughter, blameless and pristine, as well as his seeming identification as a gay man contributing to that, as people who identify as homosexual were placed on a pedestal, at that point, in our Society, and still are. All around, a blameless lamb, smiling and innocent. (Not that he wouldn’t be, in actuality, innocent, but just that the name applies perfectly.) (3) Colon is a term for the large intestine, which is the area a penis would enter when anally penetrating someone, which is what Angel Colon was associated with as being identified or shown off as a gay man. Literally, then, his last name is directly related to anal penetration, as someone who was supposedly shot in a gay nightclub.

Pete Buttigieg: (1) Famously known as the gay mayor of South Bend, IN, who ran for president with a prominent part of his last name being “Butt.” Which is where a gay person would be penetrated, or be penetrating. (2) South Bend, of course, has the word “Bend” in it, as in “bend over,” to prepare yourself for being sodomized or otherwise penetrated, which is only intensified by the word “South” being before it, i. e., down there, in a place in the lower part of your body, I. e., the Asshole. You could look at the juncture of the legs and the torso as the South Bend, of the body. Not only that, but the state’s initials are “IN,” as in, “in,” as in entering, penetrating. Entering, penetrating, through the South Bend. (3) “Gieg” is often pronounced “jedge,” which sounds similar to Judge. He is the Butt Judge.

John Fetterman: (1) Senator from Pennsylvania who was famous for having had a stroke and thus being visibly or noticeably slowed by this, so it is a “fetter” in his life, a Prominent one. He is identified in some cases almost exclusively by this fetter, and so it describes him as a man, intrinsically, and thus he is a, the, fetter man.

Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner: (1) Olympic athlete who was known best later in his life for being the first big transgender acceptance figure in the 2010s. Of course, his last name sounds suspiciously like “Gender.” (2) He changed the usual “i” in “Caitlin” to a “y,” thus symbolizing a change from the normal way of things to something slightly different, slightly skewed. Not only that, but the Y chromosome is, according to the scientific doctrine, the chromosome associated with men, because if you have at least one Y, you are a man, and not a Woman. (To stretch the correspondence, X, which is the other chromosome [and two X’s mean you are a woman, or a female, at Least], is the classic letter for a variable in mathematics, i. e., a letter representing a number of unknown value. And, such a letter being there could be indeed traded in for the “i,” in “Catlin,” because sometimes it is changed, and thus that spot in the name is a Variable, and he chose the letter associated with the male Gender.)

Barack Hussein Obama: (1) As described perfectly in a joke by Jay Leno, once, the host of The Tonight Show at the time of Obama’s Presidency/candidacy, this president, who was accused of not being born in the country and being a Muslim as well as in other ways being associated with a foreigner, not the least of which that he was black coming in as a candidate for a spot that had only ever been held by white men, had a last name that sounded decidedly not Anglo-Saxon, and thus not as usual for the American audience, but he also had a middle name that was the name of a dictator, supposedly, in Iraq that America had just spent years fighting and talking about, with the immediately previous president, and a last name that rhymed with “Osama,” the man from the same area, generally, in the Middle East that was associated with the Twin Towers being brought down, in New York. (2) His last name also sounds like “O-bomb-a,” and this Nobel Peace Award–winning president was famous for bombing the Middle East. Like his Immediate Predecessor, which reveals that nothing changes even though both Presidents had wildly different Audiences. They were both still known for Bombing the Middle East. (3) Further, the name Barack sounds especially Foreign, and it is a name that has the sound of the word “rock” in it, which is What he supposedly did, rock the boat. Specifically, by being the first black president in the history of America as well as by having a campaign slogan that called for “Change we can believe in” and then posters within the same campaign that were prominently stamped with the word “Hope” on them, both being Terms for rocking the boat (hoping for a certain Thing, that you don’t have yet, and of course, “change” itself, which is what is implied by someone rocking the boat, i. e., causing a disturbance in the current Conditions). (4) “Rock” also is associated with “Rock and Roll,” which is a musical style that was associated with big changes in society and a letting go of previously held values. And being “cool” and “youthful,” which were things that Barack Obama was associated with being with. (5) Osama bin Laden and Barack Obama has fairly mirrored initials, Osama Bin and Barack Obama. More stuff about him being foreign/Associated with terrorism/Muslims. (6) There is a stereotypical notion of black people having a bad smell, and Barack Obama’s initials, of course, spelled out BO, as well, or Body Odor.

Jordan Peterson: (1) Famous countercultural figure who argues against various flavors of the left-wing ideology in current society, particularly known for and represented by being a leader for young men and for masculinity. Of course, “Peter” is another term for “penis,” and given that he represents some of the traditionalism as well as the masculinity, it makes sense that he is the “son” of the proverbial/traditional “Peter,” in his applied actions in the World. (2) Interestingly, “Jordan” is a name that is associated with championship, in the relation to Michael Jordan, a famously great basketball player and world famous beyond his station in the sport (i. e., for those who don’t know him as a player or know much about basketball), but it is also a name that is relatively commonly used for girls, when used as a first name, and Jordan Peterson is known for crying in interviews or getting emotional, or being tender and soft-hearted. Thus, the other side of his Personality. The Feminine. Hidden, within the Name. He is Both, sides of the Coin. In his Fight against Feminism, he also represents the feminine.

Ryan Holiday: (1) This one is a stretch, but it’s one of the most intriguing ones, to me. This is the man who popularized Stoicism, or at least was one of the names associated with it, before it became every other video you see on YouTube, over the past Year or so. And his last name is Holiday, whether real or taken-on. Well, it seems that this may be indicative of what the philosophy holds, and perhaps this is a truth drop to say that Stoicism is how to get your holiday, from this World. Or, perhaps, it’s a Holiday in the Sense that you’re abdicating Your Care.







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