Playing the Lesser Elden Ring.

I was going to potentially get a PS5 or a Switch, after my probation. However, I realized that there were enough games I wanted to play on my PS4, and that I just had enough stuff that I wanted to spend money on, anyway, that I just didn’t get the new video game system, at least, not yet.

And, yet. I saw Elden Ring at Gamestop for PS4. I held my nose and bought it. And then I just went on a YouTube video showing the gameplay on the PS4, base system, and it is . . . not too bad! I’m looking forward to seeing if this next Souls game that I have never played is going to be pretty much just as good, or at least serviceable, on the lesser hardware. I think it might be. I would actually say that it was one of my favorite parts of my first Dark Souls game, Dark Souls II, to see how beautiful the graphics were in Majula, and stuff.

But, still, though graphics are important to me for these games’ atmospheres, I still think that if it is good enough, then it could be, indeed, good enough. And, that would be great.







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